Sunday, March 24, 2013


"I don't create some loser alter-ego just to make myself feel better."

Competition has brought more misery than victory. Instead of everybody succeeding only one makes it. Being the best at the expense of another does not benefit the world but yourself.

Companies, institutions and teachers insist on this kind of limiting belief that somehow in some hokus-pokus way they will be able to bring out 'the best' in people, It simply cannot. It just brings out more of their Ego for their benefit. Not because everybody is doing it, it is right.

A true Leader does not instill competition in people only a Boss does that. A true Leader teaches Unity, Teamwork, Cooperation.

Cooperation creates more winners than losers. Through unity there is speed of progress.

Friday, March 22, 2013


"We routinely look for patterns in the world that confirm the paradigms we already believe in. The things that do not fit our paradigms- the anomalies- tend to be ignored or explained away. In truth, anomalies themselves contain the richest information. They often reveal to us the flaws in our paradigms and open up new ways of looking at the world."

"They (anomalies) often represent the future, but to our eyes they seem strange. By studying them, you can illuminate this future before anyone else does."

- Robert Greene