Saturday, October 6, 2012


"People ask the question... what's a RocknRolla? And I tell 'em - it's not about drums, drugs, and hospital drips, oh no. There's more there than that, my friend. We all like a bit of the good life - some the money, some the drugs, others the sex game, the glamour, or the fame. But a RocknRolla, oh, he's different. Why? Because a real RocknRolla wants the fucking lot."
- Archie, (from the movie RocknRolla.)

This has been percolating in my mind since yesterday.

Question: In life, what is the difference between Geometric growth and Linear growth?

Answer: Geometric Growth is like body building that is focused on the entire body. Which means every part of the body is exercised and taken cared of. And this makes every part of the body powerful.

While Linear Growth is only focused on one part of the body. And only one part gets strong and other areas are taken for granted. Sometimes it doesn't proportionally look right. Get the idea?

There are I think, 5 Major parts of a person's life that he/she must put careful attention to Health, Wealth, Relationship, Spirituality and Education-Overall Personality Development.

Most people (due to our society's programming perhaps?) are focused on only one area of their lives for growth to the expense that the other areas are sacrificed. Like how they focus on money first then relationship second. I think that this is unhealthy.

Just like how some retaurants have good food but the waiter is rude. The management only focused on one area of development and training which is cooking and the waiters were not trained properly thus the results of bad reviews.

Or another example is a businessman who focuses only on product development and failed to hire a good marketing team and the results were not that delightful.

While there are firms and companies who have developed all the areas of the company. From the President down to the R&F are the dream team. The cook, staff, waiters, marketing, managers, accountants, lawyers were all the best in their field and the results were all excellent.

I believe, with every fiber of my being that a person who chooses the path of Geometric Growth outperforms by lightyears the person who chooses Linear growth. Geometric Growth might be a slow process compared to Linear Growth but nevertheless is the best way to take. Geometric Growth vs Linear Growth is like the classic children's story of the Tortoise and the Hare.

Now, I think the person who focuses on Geometric Growth becomes more well developed and holistic in a lot of areas. There is harmony or synergy in every area of its life. Like a body builder who has perfected every part of its body. Think about this, what if you have applied the principle of Geometric Growth in your life 10 years ago and developed each and every area as well? How would your life be now?

Remember, you can have it all.

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