Thursday, November 15, 2012

Emotional Roller-coaster

“The man who thinks hateful thoughts brings hatred upon himself. 
The man who thinks loving thoughts is loved.” 
― James Allen

Mankind most of the time, only engage in intellectual ideas or concepts about loving one another and thy neighbor. 

Love, often times becomes just a wonderful idea but they don't know that the moment something or someone displeases you, you have forgotten there was Love in the Universe for the moment. When the anger goes forth or the criticism or the condemnation or blame or discontent-or whatever it is- the moment the feeling is there, Love is gone from your world.

This happens most of the time, because mankind is not taught how to govern their feelings we go to church attend seminars just to feed our mental hunger for knowledge. And most Godly virtues only exist in the intellect and not on practice. Just like a boat, knowledge without action is like a boat on dry land.

Now, many times when your intellect knows that you want to handle a disturbing condition by your mind but your feeling doesn't want to do it. Your intellect may know it's correct, and that you ought to do it; but your feelings rebel like fury against it. Because people lack the control in their feelings and only strong people could handle their feelings well, weak ones easily give in to temptations.

From the cradle to the grave Government, Religion, Church, Groups, Organizations in this world mostly only teach ideas or principles that nourishes the mind (food for thought), but not how to control their feelings. That is why even intellectually, you know what's the right thing to do, but the feelings or emotions takes over then you are easily swayed into doing the undesirable thing.

It is easy to judge, condemn or criticize another human being because that is what most people do (Herd Mentality) you see it in the news, facebook and in the environment and sometimes they even make fun out of it. Even me, slips from time to time because of the pressure of the environment but at least, I make effort to stop myself and stand for what is right even if I'm alone. And not because everybody is doing it, it is right.

I've always believed that no matter how much you criticize, gossip, blame, condemn another it will not change you or the situation. We have this saying in tagalog that "Kung wala ka din naman sasabihin na matino buti pang tumahimik ka nalang."

Imagine, if the time spent criticizing is spent on productive things like praying for the person to improve and sending loving thoughts or talking to the person or better yet taking action of becoming part of the solution instead of the problem, will do wonders not only for you but for the nation and environment as well.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, 
whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, 
whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence,
 if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." 
-Philippians 4:8

Highly evolved people never talks about another person's flaw even in a non-threatening or joking manner.

When your mind and feelings is not focused on what you like, it is then focused on what you don't like- and you attract that in your life.

You have to lead by example. For things to change, you have to change.

People are bind because they bind others.

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