Sunday, August 26, 2012


This post is a bit deep, too deep perhaps. But bare with me.

This has been brewing in my mind for a number of days already. If you have already read about The Myth.

This is about to blow your socks off.

"It's called the American Dream because, you have to be asleep to believe it."-George Carlin

Have you ever asked yourself  if there is anything more than this so called LIFE? I mean, is that it? Study, Work, make money, buy stuffs,  make friends , get married, have children, act normal and die? Same damn boring routine everyday and not everybody ever questioned WHY are we here?

I believe that the life that we have is a spiritual one. And most of us heard this before, that we are only living in a physical body and this body is but a container for our spiritual body.

You could compare your physical body to a puppet and You(your true spiritual self) are in total control of the puppet.

You feed it. You make it healthy. You allow it to have friends, have relationships, create a family, fall in love, fail and succeed to gain experience. Study spirituality and religion. You enroll it to a school to study and a whole lot of other things.

I'll use this wonderful metaphor to easily explain it.

Imagine yourself inside a Computer Gaming Shop and there are numerous games available. Now, compare this to this thing we call life and these games are what you play.

Games about finances. Games about relationships. Games about school. Games about health. Games about spiritual growth. Games about entertainment and other games that are available in this world that relates to life.

Now, with some of these games you play, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. But as long as you learn your lesson and keep a positive attitude you will win and succeed.

And now, here is where most of us get trapped.

Most of us gets trapped with this Physical Experiences and appetites that we have and instead of YOU- having total control of all your Physical Body, the Gaming World is now in control of you. According to scientist all the sensation that we experience is but a chemical reaction that is done by our minds.

The Gaming World tells you what to do, what to wear, what kind of life to live. Who wins and who loses. Who is rich and who is poor. Who to hate and who to love. Who is accepted and who is not.

In other words, you lost control of your Physical Body and thus fell into a dream.

Sad, but true.

Instead of having total control of your Physical Body you lost control, you lost your way. All these external factors are now in control of you. Instead of  what is within you that controls you, what is outside control you. Most people allow themselves be controlled by external factors than them having control of their reality. And most of us got trapped into this Physical Plane of existence and totally forget about our Higher Spiritual Nature.

That body that you have that is supposed to be controlled by you, is now controlled by the Gaming World. And you can't get out, because you got addicted to the physical stimulation and totally have forgotten the Spiritual Path.

Ancient experts on spiritual teachings says that we all got 'amnesia' and got trapped in this stimulating maze. Because of all the physical distractions there is. And we got fixated to this Toy( Physical Body) just like a kid who never wants to go home and just wants to stay inside the playground because it feel so good there.

The so called 'Prodigal Son' has to return to the Father's house where anything is possible and you have total control and stop this insanity someway, someday, somehow.

Now I know the full meaning of the phrase '"You are not your body and you are not your mind". As Eckhart Tolle put it- Most people think they are their mind and that brings them all sorts sadness.

Sometimes when you are so deep asleep somebody who is awake needs to wake you up.

Have you ever experienced having a good dream where you don't want to wake up? You are in It. Time to wake up. See you on the other side.

Life Begins with Waking up.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


"If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light."
-Matthew 6:22

The difference between a Master and an ordinary person is their ability to hold their unwavering focus, the power of their WILL.

These Masters has so developed their Thought, feeling and word focused entirely on God every second. That the entire atomic structure of their body is in their conscious control. Even the beating of their heart is within their control.

A Master could concentrate their entire attention into one thought for a very, very, very long time and never lose it. And that makes them powerful.

In sports, business, war, meditation, hypnosis and science FOCUS is power. You have to keep at it. You have to focus until the manifestation of your goal. Most people don’t have this unwavering focus and they wonder why they don’t achieve much success.

When I was studying Magick, casting spells, agimat and all those stuffs.  I found out that the person needs to do ceremonies or orasyon for a couple of days and hold their focus without breaking their concentration, so that the power will be magnified and will be potent. Some of them do fasting, chant mantras or prayers to help them focus.

In meditation, one of the basic trainings they teach students is to have their focus to a single point. They use prayers, mantras, drumbeats, chanting,  picture of a deity or breathing and other forms that gets the mind to focus its attention. 

"You get more of what you focus on."

In the practice of Magick, one of the training for a beginner is that to Hold the picture/image of what you want for fifteen minutes without drifting or breaking the concentration through undivided focus.

For advance students, the concentrated focus sometimes requires them to hold their thought for days, weeks, or years even. Sometimes it even requires forever. Imagine the power.

Somebody once told me that the very first training for a student to undertake is, mental. That is to have complete control of your thoughts and consciousness and not let it run on random. You must have complete inventory of your thoughts.

One of the best ways of determining, if you have conscious control of your thoughts is to always ask yourself this question: “Why am I thinking this thought?” and if you don't know the reason why then you should control your mind, just like a pet dog don't let it run loose, take a hold of it, before it creates disturbance in other people and most especially yourself.

Most people don’t even have any idea why or what they are thinking. Their mind is like a ship without a captain, just aimlessly drifting in in the ocean. Waiting for the next surge of emotional stimulation. 

Energy and feelings follows Thoughts. Thoughts can never become things unless clothe with feelings.

Here is the challenge. Not everyone could endure such focus. Their mind starts to wander and think about a million random thoughts. That is why the monkey mind of the whole of mankind is in their state right now, just like the changing sands of the desert that could not be still.


                                 "Where your attention is their you are, and that you become."

The monkey mind of a person could also be compared to that of a ranging sea, out of control. Just like a child that changes their attention and keeps on moving all the time, uncontrollable. A true master has control over his mind. As still as the quite sea. Focus is control and control is power.

When you have control over your mind, you have control over your feelings, which gives you control over your emotions then control over your body, atoms, and you control everything.

The challenge to all of us is to develop the focus until the thought about God and holding that picture will be second nature to us, just like breathing.

If you can achieve full control of your mind with undivided, unwavering focus. Then the sky is the limit into the development of your abilities. Imagine the potential.

 "If you chase two rabbits both will escape."

Focus is selectively concentrating on one aspect of the environment while ignoring other things. When your focus is on God you are sustained with energy, and when your focus is not on God you are drained with energy.

Why the control of thoughts is crucial in the development of the student of life? It is because with the power of thoughts you are able to control your consciousness and the thoughts that gets in your mind.
The aim of this article is to make you realize why problems occur and the nature of it.

When you meditate you only focus on one thing which is God. And when you maintain your undivided attention you achieve focus. Focus is control and control is power over your thoughts.

If you ever find yourself drifting, what I mean by this is for example, you are meditating and giving your full attention to God and then suddenly, a thought got in your mind, it may be about your bills, things to do, food you want to eat or problems the moment you entertain that those thoughts you will lose focus!

The aim of meditation is to help you focus only on one thing only, and that is God. The moment you entertain thoughts that is not unlike God, you lose your concentration! You lose focus, you lose power and control. 

The average person thinks about more than 10,000 thoughts a day. They don't have any conscious control of what they are thinking. They just let the environment dictates to them what they want to think.

"An average man's mind is filled with countless thoughts, and therefore each individual one is extremely weak. When, instead of these many useless thoughts, there appears only one, it is a power in itself and has a wide influence."

Most people who meditate do it wrong. What I mean is when they meditate they entertain thoughts other than God and that is their stumbling block.

When you meditate and focus to your God you allow all your mind to be occupied only with the thoughts of God, It may be thoughts of love, peace, health, abundance, forgiveness or any of the higher virtues and not of the lower ones.

We don't think about our problems, we don't think about money, we don't think about ghosts, we don't think about entities, we don't think about feeling other people's energies. YOU FOCUS ON YOUR SELF. Be Self-centered. YOU ONLY THINK ABOUT YOUR GOD. 

Saint Germain said that you can't serve 2 masters. That is very true. You only must think and serve your God. The moment you lose your focus to your God and thinks about problems, money, or anything that is not your God, you lose focus and you lose control of your will.

When you meditate you train your power to control the WILL. The Will is very powerful. The Will is so powerful that this will help you in anything you want to accomplish, just like that, consciously.

Below is a video representation of a strong will and a weak will.

It's having undivided focus to a single point which is your God. The moment you entertain thoughts that is not your God you lose control.

When you develop your will the moment you want to do something there is no resistance. When you say I want to stop this or do this, instantly and naturally you can do it.

That is why whenever I meditate and starts to feel or thinks about something that is not my God(I.e. money, problems, your love one that needs healing, rain, food, ghost, spirits, auras colors etc.) I immediately stop it and return my focus naturally back to my God.

You must come to a point that when you sit in meditation you can last for more than 20minutes Thinking Only about your God. Then if you can do it the whole day tremendous transformations will take place.

Another is that, if for example, you are walking in the mall and suddenly you get random thoughts. Always ask yourself why am I thinking these thoughts? Most of the time you don't have conscious control if that happens. Then go back to your God and keep your focus there at all times. What I mean is as you go about your daily work always think about your God.

If you find yourself in meditation and suddenly problems or things seems to bug you, do not give your attention to it! Because it will pull you to its reality, just like as if you throw a net and grabbed the ‘thing’ towards you, and you have nothing to blame but yourself because you lack the will to focus ONLY to your God.

The only way to develop your will power is to keep your focus. On the other hand if you lose focus your Will Power weakens.

 Always keep your attention to God. Always.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Be NOT You

"Life remains the same until the pain of remaining the same 
is greater than the pain of change."

The other day, somebody approached me and asked me if I could help them with this person’s pressing problems. It seems like that this person has a lot of challenges going on within a lot of areas in his life. Areas such as love, relationships, work, money and family is kinda out of harmony.

So this person said to me :”Bro, I know you're into these personality development stuffs. Maybe you could help me with my problem.

I said: “Sure. What do you want?”

Person: “What do you mean, what I want?”

I said: ”I need to know what you want first before I could give you some pointers to get there.”

Person: “Okay. I want 3 things. Make this much. Have this. And  Find somebody to love.”

I said: “Good. So this is how you should do it. I will give you 3 tips on how you could get that.”

Then… I gave the person 3 things to do to get what this person wants. And this part is where there was a little commotion.

And the person replied: “But I can’t do that! because, that wouldn’t me.”

I said:  “Precisely! Because, not being ‘me’ is what change is about. You can’t be the way you are and change at the same time. Change is becoming not ‘me’. You got to stop being who you are and you got to become someone else.  

You’ve spent your whole life practicing being you and you are really good at it and look at where it got you… now you got to let go of being ‘me’ if you want to get the things you want to get, In order to change. Change is about becoming not ‘me’.

There are certain advantages of being not ‘me’. Your whole life is stuck in a rut. Your life is a habitual mechanical pattern and habit that you repeat again and again. It’s time for you to change this habitual process.

There are good news and bad news.

The bad news is that your family, friends and associates doesn’t want you to become not ‘me’. Because, they have done a good job for being what you are and keeping you what you are. Your friends doesn’t want you to be empowered all of a sudden. They’ve figured already a way to manipulate you and if you become not ‘me’ they have to start all over again and it will be a real challenge for them. So your friends don’t want you to become not ‘me’.

And there is a part of you who doesn’t want to become not ‘me’. That part of You who doesn't Want to Step out of the comfort zone. So it’s all about becoming not ‘me’. It’s about letting go of who you are and becoming of who you can be.

How come you got these problems? How come you still don’t get the success that you want? The reason you got them because the ‘ME’ you are has done a great success from preventing you to change. And so far it has done a good job.

So if you are going to get success then you got to have to change. You got to become not ‘me’. You have got to develop new skills. You have got to develop new abilities. You got to have to organize things in a totally different way in order to get the results you are not getting now. You have to change your mind.”

So are you willing to become not ‘ME’?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Control Your Mind

"He who reigns within himself and rules passion, desires and fears is more than a king."
-John Milton 

Some people have no control over their minds. So they don’t have control over their thoughts and feelings.  And because of that, they don’t have control over themselves.

Since they don’t have control over themselves. They don’t have control communicating their ideas and feeling over other people. And this makes them have no control of their world.

Because they don’t have control of their world, this in turn makes them have no control of their life.  And because they don’t have control of their minds they could not produce the results they want, they could not figure out where to go, they are stuck in a rut.  And they simply went through life as victims.

Then there are some people who are tragically, were not in control of their minds. So they were not in control of themselves. And because they were not in control of themselves and they don't have control over their bodies and the food they eat so they are unhealthy. 

And because they don't have control over themselves, they don’t have control of how they deal with other people so their relationships are tragically out of control. Their family is out of control. Their work and business is out of control.

And because they don’t have control over themselves in dealing with other people, other people don’t want to be around them. Because they don’t have the ability to empower, other people avoid them, when they cross the street people don’t want to meet them.

Do we like to be this kind of person? NO!!!!

On the other hand, there are some people who taught themselves to learn how to control their minds. So they were able to control their thoughts and feeling and thus allowing them to control themselves.

And because they were able to control themselves, they have control over other people in communicating their ideas and that gave them control over their world and their entire life.

Because they have control of themselves, they have control over their body and the food they eat and their bodies remain healthy and strong.

Since they were able to control their life, they were a cause. They were able to achieve amazing things by putting their plans into effect in their lives and were able to make a difference in other people’s lives as well. They were in charge of their destiny and they were not victims.

Also, there are some people who were able to control their minds. And they are comfortable with themselves therefore, they are comfortable with other people. And other people are comfortable with them.

They could reach out to other people and empower other people. Because they have power over themselves. They could build bridges with other people they could create connections. They could create relationships. 

And because they have power over themselves they could easily empower other people and other people want to be round them. People are attracted to them like a magnet. They seem to live a charmed life and everywhere they go they were a blessing.

Is this the kind of person you want to be?