Saturday, July 27, 2013


There is no higher purpose than service to others.

When you serve, you give and help freely.

It's like the unconditional love of a mother.

You cannot love people if you need people either in business, politics or in relationships. You got to manipulate or influence them in some way to get them to serve your own purpose.

In service, there are no demands of loyalty or expectations of anything in return. Just purely unadulterated giving value without guilt, jealousy or resentment.

When there is expectations, demands, jealousy, manipulation that is not love, it is fear.

To truly serve is to truly love.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Most people are not aware that the cause of distress distress, lack of money, depression, unhealthy body and unhappiness is simply, selfishness.

Perhaps, through laziness, lack of awareness and ignorance, they have unconsciously allowed themselves to become selfish even to their own selves. They have deprived their own selves of the happiness, education, abundance, relationship and health they so rightly deserve.

When you find yourself getting upset, angry, depressed, lonely, unhealthy, overweight or emotionally unstable, remember you are the one who decided to feel that way and be in that position you are in, by the choices you've made or have not made.

You are the driver of your car, unless you are a zombie, but you are not, you are a fully functional being capable of choosing your own choices.

Stop being selfish to yourself. Start taking full responsibility of your life. Instead of walking around feeling like a victim, having self-pity and feeling sorry for what has happened to you, wake up and start living the life that you want.

In the age of information ignorance is a choice. If you help yourself to be educated properly in the areas of your life that needs to be handled you will succeed definitely.

You have to realize that you are the creator of your world. You have created it and you could change it too. For things to change you have to change.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Rid Your Life of Negativity

If you want to live a positive, joyful life, you cannot be surrounded by negative people who don’t encourage your happiness.

As a negative person, I attracted negative people. When I decided to make the change to live a more positive life, I had to rid my life of the most negative influences in it. No one is perfect and perfection isn’t the goal when it comes to positivity but there were people in my life who were consistently negative, who constantly brought me down, and I had to stop spending so much time with them.

This, as you can imagine, wasn’t easy. It can hurt to distance yourself from people even when you know they aren’t good for you or your current lifestyle.

In addition to removing negative influences from me, I also had to get rid of some of my own negative behaviors, such as cursing and excessive drinking of alcohol during house parties and little 'soirees' I had going back then. I had to take a step back and examine which behaviors were good for me and which were not.

I learned to focus on the positive things I was doing such as working on my businesses and cultivating new, positive relationships and let go of the negative ones.

This process was not easy and, to be honest, is still ongoing, but I know this: It’s hard to live a positive life when negative people and behaviors continually pull you down. Like what one of my favorite fictional characters used to say.

"He's an anchor, Cut him loose." -Harvey Specter