Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Gossips no matter how stupid can spread like wildfire.

Funny when people, even if there is no proof of who is guilty assumes or pre-supposes that the other party is the one guilty just based on popularity and public support.

In NLP/ Hypnosis terms we call this pre-suppositions. 

Remember the time, when a friend tells you something bad about a common friend? 

And even if its just a 'chismis' the moment you see that person you act and treat the person /pre-judged it the way he/she was described to you even if it's not proven. 

Ridiculously, even if its not true people buy into the gossip and still see and treat the other person the way the other person was described.

People, even if its just an assumption, treats people as if they are already guilty just based on an emotional nonobjective response.

That is how gossip/chismis, assumption are very dangerous.

It could make or break a relationship or an image of a person.

That is how predictable people are.

Be careful.

Thou shall not judge.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree... According to my life coach before ASSUME is your making an ASS on U and ME....hehehe
