Friday, June 1, 2012



There are some things in life that are best narrated in an allegorical manner in order to be remembered easily as we go about our daily life. Specially when it involves our altruistic relationship with mankind. As the universe is governed by both, the physical law and the spiritual law, may I share with everyone this law to serve as a barometer and guide in our path to spirituality...


Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage such as full of frustration, full of anger and full of disappointments.

As their garbage piles up they need a place to dump it. One way or another they dump it on you. Try not or if ever don't take it personally.

Rather, just smile, wave and wish them well. Then, move on. Try not or don't take their garbage and dump it as well to other people at work, at home or in the streets..

The bottom line is that people with a high level of awareness in spirituality try not to let garbage trucks take over their day..

Life is too short to wake up everyday in the morning with regrets... So...
Love the people who treat you right
Love the people who treat you wrong
Life is ten percent of what you make it
and ninety percent of how you take it

Have a garbage free day everyday...

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