Thursday, June 28, 2012

Keeping it Real

"The Latin word for Induce is Adduco. Adduco is defined as: 
to lead, persuade or to induce from within."

I was in a business meeting and I was talking to a guy and we were discussing a international business deal. I know he is a NLP Master Practitioner in their country.

After a few minutes of talking I could already smell the neediness in his vibe. Because, he keeps on DHVing himself unconsciously through DHV spikes during the entire convo. And he keeps on doing these long pause, as if thinking of the next 'move' to influence me that even made him give-off a 'creepy' vibe.

How many have you experience this? Where you are talking to someone and he might be saying all the right things but it just does not feel right.

A big chunk of the way we communicate is through non-verbal or sub-communication it is what you don't say. Your tonality, facial expression, body language and other minute details.

On the other hand I'm just being my self and keeping it real.

Base from our talk, there is nothing wrong in talking about his accomplishments. But when you are coming from a place of insecurity it will eventually leak out of your being and people will eventually smell it and once they do you are a goner.

So I just brushed it off and gave him the benefit of the doubt.

Then a few weeks have passed and the inevitable happened. His real manipulative and greedy self came out of him as if all his NLP background was forgotten and the deal didn't go that well.

And I said to my self and my partners.. So I am right after all.

Remember guys, you can study all the routines and techniques of influence out there But there is nothing more powerful than Authenticity. The self is always coming through.

When all the techniques are gone, when all the outer facade is taken away what are you inside? Just like in the movie Avengers when Iron Man was asked when he removes the armor what will happen to him.

Most people studying seduction and influence hide behind the techniques and strategies. There is a saying that a mouse given a technique is still a mouse. But a Lion with a technique is still a lion without the external factors.

The most powerful way to attract is Authenticity. It is being not doing.

The self is always coming through.

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