Sunday, January 8, 2012

Attraction is an Inside Job

I was talking to one of my spiritual teacher this morning about the theory of attraction. And I asked him what can he say about attracting someone. He said that:

"In attracting your ideal partner its easy actually. All you have to do is work on yourself. Through visualization and affirmation and becoming the best of you, you make yourself an attractive person and thus attracting the ideal person for you."

I said to him: "That easy? You mean I don't have to do anything physically?"


Yuri: "Seems like that's kinda hard to grasp. Like for example, I saw a girl right now walking in the street can't I approach her and talk to her and use my techniques to seduce her to like me?"

Teacher: "Ahhh... yes, you could but you see, that is where the problem lies. People are fond of forcing things to happen and that gives them problems."

Yuri:" What do you mean problems?"

Teacher: "You see when you force things to happen and use your skills in seducing them you'll both end up unhappy. Because, when you see a girl most of the time you get attracted to that girl because, you have a programmed idea of beauty inside your mind that was programmed by the media and the environment in your mind, which makes you unconsciously attracted to this person and because of that you'll force yourself for that girl to like you."

Yuri: "Can you please explain a little more?"

Teacher: "When you work on yourself you will attract the ideal girl for you, which means the perfect girl for your vibration. That is why most people end up with a partner that is different from what the environment has programmed into their minds (i.e. Foreigners are attracted to exotic. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Hot girls with Ugly BFs. Hot Boys with ugly Gfs) You don't attract what you want, You attract who you are. When you work on yourself to becoming an attractive person you 'almost' don't have to do anything. Events, situations and circumstances will align perfectly for you two people to meet. And when you two meet you don't have to force anything. You will talk as if you guys have known each other for years. You will just take off naturally."

Yuri: "Wow, this is actually mind blowing. Let me digest it for a minute. So, you mean I don't have to manipulate the situations so that the girl will like me?"

Teacher: "Yes."

Yuri: "Is it also the reason why sometimes when I meet a certain girl the attraction is instantly there? and I don't have to literally do anything as if the stars are aligned at that precise moment for us to be together. Seems like we get along in everything, no nagging fighting and all those negative stuffs. And sometimes I meet a girl and I so love to manipulate everything for her to get attracted to me and seems like nothing is happening and when I do get the girl problems arise. The girl nags , fights, cheats, break-ups etc.. "

Teacher: "Yes."

Yuri:" Wow, this is mind-blowing. Is it also the reason why sometimes there could be a hundred good looking men inside a room and there is one girl and that girl will get attracted to the ideal guy whose vibration is resonating with her."

Teacher:"Yes. Like attracts like. Remember you only have to work on you. Don't force things to happen. Work on yourself and you will attract the ideal girl for you."

Yuri:"So this information, like blew off every teaching out there about love and relationships. All we really need to do is work on ourselves and let the energy or the universe do the work for us."


Yuri:"Okay that's really cool. One last question. Why is it sometimes you meet the ideal girl and after a few months or years, you guys don't get along anymore?"

Teacher: "It's because, you guys have outgrown each other. Unless you are growing together and do everything together, so the change is almost the same. Means that, you guys have a different vibration now. Remember, energy is ever changing either the vibration of the energy is going up to a more spiritual development or the energy will stagnate or lowers its vibration to a more undesirable one. And when both of you are not resonating with the same vibration just like an out of tune piano then conflicts will happen. Most people will again force everything in their power for them to be together they want to fight it, but It's time to part ways. You will attract the ideal girl for you and she will attract the ideal man for her. "

Yuri: "There are a lot of light bulbs exploding in my mind right now sir. Thank you for sharing. This just explains the saying you don't attract what you want, you attract who you are inside."

Teacher: "Yes."

"Nature does not strain itself to grow. 
Grass, trees and plants all of them grow easily and naturally, effortless. 
That is how nature is. That is how love is. 
When you control and force things to happen that is fear not love."

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