Sunday, January 8, 2012


"From testimonials and personal experiences we have enough information to conclude
that it is possible to design and live an extraordinary life."-Jim Rohn

When I was in the seminar of John Calub one of the things that got stuck in my mind is when he said: "You and I have infinite potential." I was talking to him again this morning and he again brought up the topic of about being infinite. We were discussing some stuffs and abilities that we are now able to do in our practice Pemusatan Kalimasada. Things like walking on fire, breaking a tile with a light bulb or fluorescent with energy and it wont break, projecting energy to push people and the most important ability we were able to develop is healing other people even from a distance or what they call remote healing. His father also benefited from his healing my family too and friends who needs some assistance we were able to heal.

A few years ago when we started we were all beginners. Unable to do these things but since we know that "You and I have infinite potential." we understood that someday, somehow we don't know when, we will be able to do those things. And it came true. It is possible to heal yourself and other people.

Age does not matter, we have members who are 70 years old and we have member who are 16years old and still they are able to develop their abilities. There were also some people who have terminal cancer and there was a rare case that she was unable to walk because she got into a train accident(her car got hit) but still she recovered and now perfectly alive and well. Some were faster than others but they all succeeded and got to the next level and the next. Which goes to prove as long as you are willing to learn and give it enough time you will get there. We've seen it and have proven it from our experiences. That it is possible, you and I have infinite potential.

Now, how do we relate this into relationships, health and especially in making money? Same thing actually.

In making money, it is also possible to make a lot of money. Why do you want to make money? because, you want to have a comfortable life and not having enough money creates discomfort not only to you but to your family and friends as well. If you want to make money and is willing to learn and give it time ,then good, if not then its okay too, that's your choice. From my experience if you have money you are able to do more good things. As Jose Silva of Silva Method would say: Money is the fuel that that will move the engine(human) to do more things. In other words its hard to move or do things nowadays w/o it.

Ray Kroc started Mc Donalds when he was already 52 years old. Colonel Sanders started Kentucky Fried Chicken when he was around that same age too with his retirement pay. Both of them made tons of money and their old age did not limit them from achieving their dream.

Mark Zuckerberg started Facebook when he was in college and now he is the youngest billionaire of our time. Steve Jobs the founder of Mac started his empire in a garage now it is worth billions. Same goes for Bill Gates who is a college drop out but still achieved phenomenal success.

The owner of Honda started his business while japan is at war, he got no office, because the Americans kept bombing japan and just started literally in the streets building bikes(he started with bikes before cars). But it never stopped him. Now, It is one of the biggest car manufactures in the world.

Manny Pacquaio started with nothing in boxing he is among the poorest of the poor. But now he is worth billions of pesos. He got no money no education but he is now recognized all over the world.

What is the common theme from these success stories? It goes to prove that age is not a factor. Money is not a factor. Education is not a factor for you to make a lot of money.

Just look around you you will see stories of people that made it against all odds. I remember Lance Armstrong said that: Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

From all these stories we can conclude that: "You and I have infinite potential." use it wisely and don't let what GOD gave you go to waste.

"For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better."

"Work harder on yourself than you do on your job. If you work hard on your job, you can make a living. If you work hard on yourself, you can make a fortune."

"Don't spend major time on minor things."

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