Sunday, January 8, 2012


“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” 

Picture these examples.

-Your friend said a joke and you laughed.
-He gave you a gift and you loved it.
-She cheated on you and you cursed her.
-He yelled at you and you cried so bad.
-You saw your crush the other day and you feel like you're in heaven.
-That special someone forgot to greet you on your birthday and you feel that you are not important.
-Your hubby did not reply to your text and now you're angry and jealous.
-Your child or the news or traffic irritated you.
-Your friends made you a surprised party and now you can't stop smiling.
-Your boss said something that made you feel worthless.
-You felt offended because a person have a different perspective or idea regards a certain topic in business, religion, food or relationships.
-Your long lost friend suddenly showed up and now you get excited to reconnect.
-Somebody broke your heart and you can't seem to move on.

If you feel excited, loved, hurt, offended, depressed, jealous, angry, relaxed, irritated, happy or whatever it is you felt towards a person, spouse, family, partner, office mate, situation, media, government or friend.

You have to realize that you have nothing to blame for the good and bad feelings but the person in the mirror which is you. Truth of the matter is that you alone control your thoughts and how you react to other people.

Some people will say that its 'normal' to feel bad sometimes or to express negative emotion. That is why they keep attracting it duh?! Not because everybody is doing it, it is right.

Keep in mind that your thoughts create your world. What you believe and think you attract in your life. Man becomes what he thinks about.

Ninety percent of the time Life happens to each of us and the ten percent is
how we react to it.

So the next time you get offended or hurt, remember it is all your fault.

Good thoughts make you feel good and bad thoughts make you feel bad. So choose good thoughts that heal and benefits you. And discard bad thoughts that destroys and limits you.

Don't expect. Let your ego and bad social conditioning out the window. Keep loving. Keep giving value. Never get tired of doing good.

Emotion is a poor master. Take conscious control of it or it will control you.

1 comment:

  1. Now I understand that it is only me, myself and I are at fault of these reactions, no one can hurt me unless I approve them myself to hurt me, everybody's gonna hurt me, everybody's gonna test me to destroy my soul, trigger my negative emotions and react negatively to negative situations, but now as I learn about it, I will now take control of my mind, thoughts and reactions to only provide positive and nourishing thoughts and reactions so that we only attract positive emotions, and also as i learned, conformity always involve in the society and that makes them a herd inside the matrix, they believe and fight that it is normal to to this to do that, just because everybody says so, not every majority is right, people should learn how to react positively and always show love and give value to others all the time and not let negativity and conformity that this matrix is putting in our minds, heart and soul controls us. Dont believe everybody, do your own research and own experiences dont just let them control you just because they say so and you will conform to them. It is always and only YOU that is accountable to every emotions and reactions, it is only YOU, so control YOU, befriend it and understand YOU, so that you can control it. That man in the mirror is accountable of everything, allof it.
