Sunday, January 8, 2012


We all agree that the power of association is such a powerful element in influencing and molding the mind that of a child or that of a grown up person.

There is a saying that if you want to be rich, be with rich people and share their beliefs. If you want to have a healthy body be with people who are healthy. If you want to be happy be with happy people.

It is just quite obvious that the thoughts of other people have an effect in each of us just. If you have ever experience being with a person that is depressed and negative all the time, sometimes this person does not have to speak because, you FEEL the sadness leaking out his entire being.

Some people lack the discipline in managing where they put their attention to. Their thoughts could be compared to that of a leaf floating around with the breeze with no conscious control over their thoughts and feelings, just waiting for the next surge of emotions to take them somewhere.

They read magazines about infidelity and cheating, watch movies or shows of violence, hate, sex, engage in conversations of negative gossip, watch the news and get irritated of this certain politician or celebrity, go to events or chat with friends over alcohol about the problem of one of their friends doing drugs and wonder at the end of the day then say to themselves..." Oh God, why am I feeling all these negative things in my life?"

Some people does not want to discipline their mind and let it be overwhelmed with Godlike thoughts, they would rather give in to outer world desires, irritation and urges than still themselves and let the power of God take over their mind body and world.

And funny how some people blame things outside themselves (i.e. the devil) for all these Temptations and misfortunes that they have been experiencing.

If a person will trace all the things that has been happening in her life you will soon clearly find, that that it began with their thoughts. Those magazines you've read. The movie you've watched. The conversation you had with your friend. The
Facebook status you just saw.

All the things you put your attention to, you absorb it into your world, consciously or unconsciously.

Where you put your attention is there you are and that you become.