Sunday, January 8, 2012


According to popular belief that knowing WHAT you want and HOW to get it, is the question to be asked. Not exactly. Most people WANT and knows HOW to make money. But the most significant question one should ask after knowing what you want is WHY? you want it. It is the core of every successful endeavor. It is the ULTIMATE INNER GAME.

The Why is what differentiates ordinary from the extraordinary. It is an all consuming fanaticism that will make you crazily want to be successful in a certain area.

The Why is what makes heroes do impossible things and fear nothing even if the odds is not in their favor. It is the WHY that makes people stand up for what they believe and fight for it with all their might and put their lives on the line.



The Why is what drives you to pursue something even if nobody believes you. Just like when Galileo and the Wright brothers presented their ideas. The Why is what gave humans to do the unimaginable and go fly to the moon.


The WHY is what will propel you to achieve you goal even if you don't have the resources. The why is what makes people get 2 or even 3 jobs just to support their family or make one a bread winner.

The Why is what separates successful people from failures. It is the why that makes athletes strive to become champions. It is the why that builds winners.


The deep reason why you do something is what will attract the how and the what. People who focus on the why make more money than people who focus on the how or what.

A lot of people are more intelligent and talented than the rest of humanity BUT It is the why that makes people to innovate technology and surpass mediocrity and the rest of the competition even though they have the same skills, resources, intelligence, talent and ideas. It is the why that makes one the best of the best.


It is the why that makes you stand up and fight another round even though the chances are so slim.

It is the why that gives you the will to fight and die for what you want even if everything seems to go wrong from what you planned and assumed. It is the why that makes you do whatever it takes just to get what you want no matter what and say to yourself, just one more day and i'll know i'll make it through this.



A lot of people focus on the what and the how and the PLAN. That's why not a lot of people who have plans are that successful. They don't have the WHY to do it. Those things are outer game. But it is the WHY that will get you the DREAM.

The DREAM is all there is. Its The END RESULT. If a person has enough reason WHY to do something, the sky is the limit, Nothing is impossible. It will give you the ability to do anything. That's why when Martin Luther King gave his historical speech he said: I HAVE A DREAM. He did not say I have a plan.

We don't attract what we want. We attract what we are.(WHY) The Why is your purpose. Your belief. Your result.

What is your WHY?

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